Classic/Antique Car Repair: speedometer seized, Speedo
Questionok i have a 1930 Ford Model A Coupe and i just bought a brand new speedometer cable for it. When i took it out to test it it worked fine and all the sudden it went down to zero i looked and it snapped the cable. now i know their known for the grease inside the speedometer to dry up and seize and I'd like to clean it out and pack it with new fresh grease. i got the speedometer out of the console but now that its out i cannot figure out how to get the back of the speedometer off to get the grease out. How can i do this??? thank you very much for your time and help.
page 13
A very common problem. I have a 13 page set of instructions on how to fix it. Not easy, but a lot of people have done it. The main shaft needs to be removed and freed up. Let me know your fax number and I will send it.
Austin, I scanned the document and will try to send it to you. If I can attach it!!!!
You might want to go to and look at a book I just published. You can see the whole book on preview. you don't have to buy it. It has some stuff in there that will help you.
It won't let me attach it.
Here is page 13. jack