Classic/Antique Car Repair: classic auto repair, carter carb, stylemaster
Questioni have a 1948 Chevrolet stylemaster coupe,original 6 cylinder engine. When I start the car(pulling out the chhoke and slightly pulling out the gas the car starts and idles. As soon as i try to push in the choke or give the car more gas it stalls. I have replaced the plugs , wires etc,.
any ideas what i might try next would be appreciated.
Any ideads what I should
AnswerHello Ken,
From your description, it sounds that the carb. is not supplying enough fuel on acceleration of engine speed. Your Chev. used a Carter carb. with a one-piece, replaceable accelerator pump. It can be replaced as an individual component but you may have to buy an entire carb. rebuild kit to get one.
In the old days, what's providing the pump pressure is made of leather which must be soaked in gasoline for an hour before installation. A more modern material used is neoprene, which can be immediately installed without "seasoning".
Best of luck with this fine car,