Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1960 CADILLAC - RUNS COLD THEN STALLS, cadillac coupe deville, high tension wire

HELLO SIR .. I HAVE A 1960 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE  ...  it starts cold perfectly ..... runs great ... then  ... and this is just some DAYS ........ it will as it is warming up ..  will start to seem as if its low on fuel at stop lights  .. then eventually stall ...ill be able a few times to just pump the gas and start it back up ... but about the 3 of 4th time  ... it wont start .. and will have no spark it seems -or  not getting fuel ..  and even if i put gas straight into the carb - nothing ... nothing at all .. just crank over till  battery IS dead ..

I would start with the points, coil, and condenser as possible culprits. The coil and condenser are susceptible to problems due to heat. The points, if the lubricant has dried up on the pivot can stick when how and cause a no run. A clue to the health of the coil is to remove the high tension wire. If the end of the wire shows oil on it it is an indication that the end seal on the coil has failed and that oil, the coolant in the coil, is leaking out and the coil needs to be replaced. Next remove the coil and holding it near your ear, shake it. If you hear the oil sloshing around in the coil, replace it. (Be careful, as I have bashed the side of my head doing this.) The condenser is not so easy to test, and to be sure replace the points and condenser. These things should be checked if you have tested the spark and are sure that you are not getting any spark. However the problem sounds more like a carburetor problem to me based on what you have said. It soul like the carburetor float might be sinking or the inlet needle valve is not seating tight enough. It sound like the engine is flooding, in which case adding fuel through the carburetor would only make the problem worse. But you are going to need to check both systems.