Classic/Antique Car Repair: charging issue mercury cyclone 429 SCJ, mercury cyclone spoiler, electronic regulators
QuestionI recently purchased a 1970 Mercury cyclone spoiler. There are some elctrical gremlins, I have had the alternator rebuilt, a new voltage regulator put on and a new battery from Nntique batteries in ohio.after driving thr car for 60 miles, I completely cooked the new battery. Can a rebuilt alternator overcharge a battery if the voltage regulator is working, or did the voltage regulator fail? It appears to be running around 14.2 volts while driving, but jumos to 14.5 occasionally, I had a voltmeter installed so I can keep an eye on the charging. I replaced the voltage regulator and battery after the "cooked battery " episode, but the new battery has some bubbling noises after a run of about 20 miles and I afraid its about to "cook"" also. Wonderingif tghe alternator can overwhelm the voltage regulator, or perhaps theres another short somewhere?
You're still overcharging the battery. 14.5 Volts is about the top of the acceptable range for alternator output: You should normally be seeing something in the mid-12V range in normal driving so 14.2 is way high.
I would recommend having the charging sytems completely checked out as the courses for this condition are multiple and even hew parts can be defective. For example, parts from your average "big box" automotive store can be suspect. While they're more expensive, getting Autolite from the dealer or going to NAPA will give you better assurance that the component will perform to spec. Another consideration is technology. The newer electronic regulators are generally more accurate and reliable than the older breaker point type. Your car is at the tipping point where it could have been equipped with either. If you're concerned about authenticity, many times the electronic regulators can be hidden.
So, a long answer to a short question: Your problem still is overcharging but the cause could be multiple, including parts you've already replaced! Recommend you avoid guessing, get the system checked out and proceed from there.