Classic/Antique Car Repair: Timing chain/ bearings, timing gears, gear material
oil pan contents
I have the 1969 Mercury 351w now with the timing chain cover removed. Having thoroughly cleaned the inside surface of the cover, there doesn't appear to be any material missing, and the timing gears are intact. There is more play in the chain than is recommended, so I'm going ahead with replacing the set with an upgrade double-roller version. I see that the plastic gear material found in my oil pan came from the timing set, but it's still a mystery to me as to where the other metal pieces came from. What do you think is my best next move? Thanks, Scott
ANSWER: Do you still have the oil pan off the car? let me know please.
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QUESTION: Yes it's just temporarily attached.
AnswerJust to be sure that it is not junk that was left in the oil pan from a previous repair I would drop a few bearings down for visual inspection. One at a time please and hen torque them back up making sure to lubricate them. I probably would plastigage the bearings. That is a process of checking the bearing clearance. NAPA or any good parts store sells plastigage.