Classic/Antique Car Repair: 31 a lights and horn, rotary switch, notworking
Questionnew restoratian,all lites working, installed new horn but notworking.horn and wires ok.found the c clip had came off from spring ret.put all in place,now retainer prongs do not engage the rotary sw.the center rod seams not contacting horn terminal.horn works when grounding center terninal.could steering wheel not on far enough?
AnswerNo, the wheel is OK, but that is a sensitive area. Usually it toots when you don't want it to. Make sure the retainer that operates the light switch is all the way on and the little keeper is in place. The center rod comes down and the center horn contact should touch it. If it doesn't, then I think the main switch body is not going far enough on the bottom of the column. Take the main switch off and even the keeper. You will need someone to help you get it back together, but I think it is worth it. Then you will know that it is all back together correctly. Push hard upward and compress the spring while someone pushes down on the horn rod. Get the keeper back in place and put it all back together. That horn should honk. I read it again!!!! If the prongs do not get to the rotary switch, then the whole switch body is not going far enough onto the bottom of the column. There are key ways that you have to line up for it all to fit together. I am surprised that you can get the bail snapped on. Pull it apart and make sure everything fits together. It is hard to keep everything lined up while you are doing this. Stay with it, it will go together.
Good luck and get back to me if this does not work.