Classic/Antique Car Repair: lifter on 300 c.i. F-150, flat washer, iron pipe

Hi Brad,

I have 84 F-150 300 c.i. 6 cylinder engine and two of the lifter

posts appear to be pulling up out the head. Wwwwhhhhaaaattt gives?

And how to repair such a situation?

Thanks loads again!


Those studs are pressed onto the cylinder head. The way that I have repaired this situation in the past is to remove the head and do the job on the bench. Remove the old studs. This can be done with a short section of black iron pipe cut to a length that when slipped over the stud you can place a flat washer over the stud and then screw the adjusting nut on. Tighten the nut and it will pull the stud out of the head. One the nut is bottomed remove the nut and place more washers on top of the pipe so that you can get more pull. Once the stud is out get a new stud and place it in your freezer overnight. Now here I am going to recommend that you press the new stud in with a shop press as the push will be more controlled. There are those that will tell you to just hammer it in. Push it in until it is the same height as the others and re assemble the head. When the head is disassembled check around the stud hole for cracks. If any are present then the head needs to be replaced.