Classic/Antique Car Repair: Interior visor bracket, hemmings motor news, chevrolet trucks
Visor disassembled
QUESTION: I have a 1 ton deluxe 1950 Chevy Truck and have both the right and left interior visor brackets (original as far as I know). I only have one of the square attachments (see picture) for attaching the bracket to the cardboard. The visor brackets arms are square and I can only fine round bracket arms. The slotted area of the bracket allows the visor to slide. Part number on the back of the brackets are 06418 R and 06419 L. Where can I fine parts for these brackets?
ANSWER: There are a number of companies that are manufacturing reproductions for Chevrolet trucks. Here is one that I found using Hemmings Motor news. There are more.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I have ordered a number of items from the site you referenced and have checked numerous other sites. However, they do not sale a square visor bracket arm with a slotted area that allows the visor to slide as shown in the picture I sent. The square bracket arm attaches to the bracket by set screws. The diamond shaped metal holdings the cardboard to the square bracket arm appears to be extruded. It is hard to believe there are not more of these out there with all the work that went into making them. Are you aware of visor brackets like I have?
AnswerYes but I seam to remember them more on the larger more expensive GM cars like the Pontiac and up to the Cadillac. Where your truck is a deluxe cab perhaps they stole some of the interior parts from the up scale cars. Now that I have the question of what you meant by square parts and round parts I have a better understanding. It was a common belief back in the day that GMC was a sister company to Pontiac. Now the interior fittings for the Deluxe cab could have been borrowed from GMC who borrower from Pontiac.