Classic/Antique Car Repair: triumph spitfire 1500 clutch repair, triumph spitfire 1500, clutch repair

QUESTION: Hello, I have a 1978 triumph spitfire and last year the water pump broke so I repaired that and then I tried to drive it and suddenly the clutch doesn't seem to be working. When the water pump broke I was driving and had to pull over and hadn't driven it since that happened so I'm not sure what could have happened with the clutch, any ideas?

ANSWER: Christiana I need a little better description of "not working". Do you mean that you cannot shift it into gear with the engine running or that the car will not move when you let the clutch out? Let me know and we can go from there to solve your problem.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The clutch is not engaging when i attempt to shift into gear. However it seems to be running just fine since I replaced the water pump, apart from the inability to drive anywhere haha

Ok, if I have this correct when you have the engine running and you step on the clutch pedal you cannot get the car into gear. Am I correct? it sound like the clutch plate has stuck to the flywheel while the car was sitting. Most of the time this can be broken loose by turning off the engine. Put the transmission in top (high) gear. Then while holding your foot on the clutch and the other foot clamping down the brake pedal attempt to start the engine. Most of the time this will break the disc loose if it is stuck. One more question, when you press the clutch do you feel pressure on the pedal or does the pedal just almost drop to the floor? Let me know.