Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1929 model A, good luck jack, valve job

Need to do a valve job, how do I get the valve guides out to do the work. I have a hard seat grinder to do the job. It's been to long ago when I helped Dad do this work. Also I see that they have a new one piece guide with updated valves. Is this a good way to go?

First, you should get the mechanic's handbook for the Model A by Les Andrews.  It's about $35 form any of the A parts suppliers or MARC.  We all have it and use it a lot.  You will need a spring compressor to get the valve keeper off, and then the valve will come out easy.  It is a one piece keeper.  The guides (two piece too) come out the bottom.  I would stick with the orig A parts, but I don't think there is anything wrong with the new versions.  Looks like Snyders has everything you might need for the job.  
Good luck.