Classic/Antique Car Repair: Model A ford brakes, mt drum, model a ford
QuestionI purchased a 1930 ford. The brakes on the front are not model A ford, I have seen pictures of this open style cast iron brake drum identified as Rocky mountain brakes. I can not find a reference for a model A having them only model T. The backing plate and the brake shoes are not model A ford either. Could the parts be from a 1933 or 34 ford? Your input would be greatly appreciated. Bill
AnswerI can't answer your question. I'll ask around and see if some of my friends know. I know they did make a rocky mt. drum for the A, but I thought it was for the rear. Big cast iron with cooling ribs around them.
Sorry I can't help, but don't put juice brakes on the car. Restore them to the original A.