Classic/Antique Car Repair: how much to restore a 1964 dodge dart, dodge dart 270, crank pulley

QUESTION: how much money would it take to restore a 1964 dodge dart 270 convertible so that it can be driven.

ANSWER: that depends on it's current condition. could you send me pictures so that I may provide you with an accurate idea on costs.

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Classic/Antique Car Repair: how much to restore a 1964 dodge dart, dodge dart 270, crank pulley
engine image  
QUESTION: how much money would it take to restore a 1964 dodge dart 270 convertible so that it can be driven?(tried to upload images but don't know how to send more then one other wise i would show the outside of the car too)

OK, I am going to need a lot of information in order to help you get a reasonably accurate cost on this project, I am going to send you my email address so that we won't be limited by this forum in regards to pictures also if you wish we could exchange phone numbers and you could be my eyes in certain key areas so that I can asses your car. My email is [email protected]  my cell is 954 513 7875. here are some preliminary questions that I have. how long since the car last ran. how was it stored / what part of the country, has it been repainted, judging from the engine bay picture if this car was kept outdoors with the intake open like it is and the climate promotes rust like the body is showing, then the motor could be seized. so I would ask you to turn the motor by hand with a bar and socket at the main crank pulley to determine this. I am getting ahead of myself here. I await your contact or call. regards JM