Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1930 model A door trim, screw driver, interior door
QuestionHow do you remove the interior door trim panel on a 1930 model A?
AnswerThe hard part is getting the window crank off. Push the trim panel away from the crank and try to fish out the little pin that keeps the handle on the shaft. This is not easy, but it will come out. Just compress the panel enough to expose the pin. After you get this part off, the lower part of the panel is held in place with frog clips that push into holes in the door inner panel. With a flat screw driver, pry these clips and the trim panel away from the sheet metal inner panel and they should pop out, one at a time.
Also, get the Model A Mechanic's hand book from MARC or one of the parts suppliers. Get the red one by Les Andrews. A great book that we all have and use a lot. It will tell you how to do a lot of things on your A.
Good luck, and stick with it.