Classic/Antique Car Repair: Ignition Coil specs, stock coils, external resistor

My 1966 Olds Delta 88 has a coil with a small cylindrical attachment on it.  I'm assuming that's a ballast?   I was looking at coil specs:  Primary Resistance: 1.2 Ohms; Secondary Resistance: 8.9K Ohms; Turn Ratio 100:1; Maximum Voltage: 42,000v.  Several specs, I was wondering what I should be looking for to match the cars requirements? Are capacitor type coils okay to use on older points/dwell cars?

The small cylinder is a capacitor (condenser) with the purpose of eliminating ignition noise in the radio. You need a 12 volt coil that is designed to work with an external resistor. Geezer's Old Cars And Parts Emporium, [email protected], has these new old stock coils for sale. I would not use the capacitor type coil.