Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1929 Chev Spark Plugs & 5 years storage, marvel mystery oil, grain truck
QuestionQUESTION: I have never worked on this grain truck with a straight 6 cyl.
Having problems getting the spark plugs out because need very thin wall socket. Want to oil the ring which have been dry for 5 years. Are there any other recomondations for restarting?
ANSWER: What is the make of the truck and/or engine? Let me know and we will go from there.
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QUESTION: Not sure what size the Chev engine is but is stock.
Sorry a lot of moving happening at same time.
AnswerThis engine had very little clearance between the plug and the tin push rod cover on the side of the engine. If it is a 6 cylinder it should be a 215 cubic inch. Do you have a down draft or up draft carburetor? If it is down draft and If you do not get the plugs out slowly pour about 1/4 cup of Marvel Mystery Oil down the carburetor while cranking the engine over without the key on. Let it set overnight and then the next day attempt to start it. If that does not start the engine let me know and we will go from there.