my motorhome
QUESTION: i have a 1972 chrystler built dodge kayot motorhome with a 413 mopar industrial engine in it. i took the engine apart to have the heads reworked, ie: valves, v/springs, v/seals, etc., my question is, i am having trouble bolting the power steering pump back onto the motor. i took it off in the dark from under the engine because there is no access to this motor from the front as the nose is completely sealed. only access is from under the motor or inside between the 2 front seats. do you know where i can find a diagram that will show me how the p/s bracket and pump bolt back on? ive exhausted every search option i tried to find any information on this beast of a motor. not even chrystler could help me.
ANSWER: I have gone through my reference material and cannot find any pictures of the factory set up. Now a lot of time motor home builders and others would purchase the chassis without the factory air conditioning and install an after market unit. Now, can you send me a picture of the air conditioning compressor and that way I can tell if it after market or factory then I can do a little more research. Let me know.
PS: I also write for the RV, motor home market. We travel in a 1990 (not as old as yours but still and oldie but goodie) Foretravel and have a bunch of fun collecting an audience at most camp ground that we pull into. Please keep me posted on your progress.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: hi brad, this motorhome has no a/c unit attached to the engine, only roof top a/c. i have another ? to ask. after putting the motor back together with the new heads, valves, seals and gaskets, this engine runs worse than it did before i did all this work to it. i was able to drive it up from florida on the interstate at speeds up 70 mph, and now, it wont even get up to 10 mph even with the pedal down to the floor board. timming is right on the mark,(never removed the distrib. from the motor) new cap, rotor, plugs, wires, lifters are good as is the cam. engine runs so ruff, it shakes the entire motorhome. any ideas?
AnswerOk, that means that the power steering will be in the stock location and should be mounted the same as a car of the same vintage. I would suggest going to and looking through their listings for a factory manual for a MOPAR full sized car or factory Dodge truck manual. Neither Motor's Auto Repair manual or Chiltons has a break down of the PS pump or mounting.