Classic/Antique Car Repair: 29 ford, good luck jack, wire rims
Questioni have a 1929 ford model A tudor. the rims have been changed to newer year 32-35 wire rims problem is one rear tire the lugnuts keep coming lose after a week or so had it looked at changed nuts and one bad bolt week after left shop lose
AnswerThat wheel should fit the A hub OK. If the holes in the wheel are worn too much, the nut will not seat on the wheel material, but just on itself. If this is the case, don't use those wheels. Since it is happening on only one tire, it should be easy to figure out. Make sure the studs are tight to the hub. Tighten one nut at a time and try to shake the wheel. If it moves, it will show you which nut is not clamping on the wheel material. Switch wheels and see if the problem follows the wheel or stays with the hub.
Sorry I can't be of more help.
Good luck