Classic/Antique Car Repair: Model A Door glass, good luck jack, model a ford

Hi Jack, I am trying to remove the door glass on my '29 A model, I have the regulator off, but everything else seems to be permanently pressed on, what is the next step? Thanks, Peter.

The first thing you have to do is buy the model A Ford mechanic's handbook by Les Andrews.  About $35 from any of the suppliers or MARC.  On page 1-363 and 364, it tells you how.  To much for me to type here, but you have to remove the garnish mldg, drop the reg. to the bottom and disengage the swing arm from the lift channel and the glass comes out the top and the reg comes out through the hole in the inner panel.  Everything should come apart.  The glass is held to the channel by nitrile tape (adhesive).  You should not have to deal with any rivets.  The channel stays on the glass.
If you still have problems, get back to me and we will stay with it until your get it apart.
Good luck.