Classic/Antique Car Repair: Rear Main Oil Seal, hemming motor news, sheet metal screw
QuestionWhat does it take to replace the rear main oil seal on a 1954 Packard Straight Eight engine with Ultramatic Transmission?
AnswerDrop the oil pan and the rear main bearing cap. Thread a sheet metal screw into the upper half of the seal and using a pair of vise grips on the head of the screw pull the seal out as you rotate the crankshaft. There is a tool available like a Chinese finger can be purchased at most auto supply houses or though specialty tool companies that advertise in Hemming Motor News. J. C. Whitney offers the tool their part number 1JA 362347 for $4.95. Then thread the tool through the upper groove and pull the tool through with the seal. Using a razor blade cut off the excess leaving about a 1/16th of an inch hanging out for squish on assembly. Roll the new seal into the lower cap using a large round object like the biggest socket that you have. Again cut off the excess leaving about a 1/16th of an inch sticking out at each end. Re install the cap torquing it to the proper value, install the pan, oil, and start the engine to check for leaks.