QuestionI have a 1930 model a truck. I have wired it just as the wiring book said. It has a new batt,coil points cond, dist cap, rotor and wire. New switch , amp meter and juction box.I have set the timing and checked it 4 times to make sure. I have also set the points to a gap of 20. I have checked everything for shorts inculding the dist. The coil oms out by the book at 1.45. I have tried 2 of everything. It will turn over great but not attempt to fire. I removed one of the plug wires and could not get a spark from it. Its getting gas.It has 6 volts at all locations. The dist plate is not shorting out but looks like its not getting a spark?
Thanks for asny help. Randy
AnswerI just helped a fellow with the same kind of problem. I will try to repeat myself.
With the key off, you should have fire at both coil terminals.
With the key on, and the points closed, you should have fire at only the passenger side of the coil. Then open the points and you should again have fire at both terminals.
If you don't have the above, trace it down and fix it. 0.020 is a bit big for the point gap.
Take a hard look at the wiring diagram and understand why you should have the above situation. Hope your horn will blow. If not, check the fuse. That's the first thing I do.
Let me know how you make out, and we will go from there.