Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1940 Buick radius bar, rear end, pivot
QuestionQUESTION: Hello,
I purchased a 1940 Buick and found out the rear radius bar has been cut off.There are no mounts to reattach a new bar.Can you tell me what I can do to repair this and what will happen if I drive the car without this bar connected?
ANSWER: This a "find a good welder" problem. Driving without it is a bit dangerous as it is this bar that keeps the rear end in alignment.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Do I just have him weld a bar across the bottom of the car? I don't have any of the brackets that it bolts to.I see that the radius bar has bushings on both sides according to my service manual.
AnswerThe bar needs to have a pivot on each end that will allow the rear end to travel up and down while holding the rear end in alignment. When the installation is made the car should be on a front end rack so that the tracking can be checked and set as the brackets are welded in place.