Classic/Antique Car Repair: Starting Issue, borg warner, intermittent problem

Jack, On my 1930 A, it all of a sudden won't start. Not even a hint of combustion. I tested current from the coil to the plugs. Seems to have fire. So I believe the pop out ignition switch is creating a closed circuit to move the current to the plugs. Replaced the condenser. I did the ignition switch tests as outlined in Victor Page's book. It failed each test, indicating the switch or wiring in the conduit is bad. Do I have the concept correct about juice at the plugs, then the ignition system and switch is good? Unless, it is an intermittent problem. Took the carb apart and everything looks good and very clean. It appears to draw a charge of fuel into the cylinders. Any ideas? P.S. I wrote to you about a month ago with the "no reverse" gear issue. Turns out I have a Borg Warner OD unit on the car I have never tried (new 3 month owner), and the cable came loose causing a freewheeling condition. I am learning. Thanks for helping folks like me.

With the key off, you should have fire at both sides of the coil.  
Turn the key on and make sure the points are closed, you should have fire at only one side of the coil.  I think the passenger side should not have fire.  That means that the points have grounded that side of the coil.  That is how it should be.  When they open, the coil discharges and sends high voltage to the plug.  The role of the pop out is to ground one side of the points.  That is all it does.  It does not supply fire (power) to anything.  Until the pop out is turned on, the points are hot and not grounded.  Put a jumper from the screw on the condenser (hard to get to) to ground.  That will by-pass the pop out and your car should start.  (assuming the prob was the pop out.) If it ran good before you had the prob, then it is probably not the carb.
Take a good hard look at the wiring diagram so you understand what is happening, then you can get that baby started.
Good luck, and if I have not helped you, get back to me and we will give it another go.