Classic/Antique Car Repair: 6 volt wiring, 1950 dodge coronet, point gap

QUESTION: I have 1950 dodge coronet,after setting for the winter it well not start.I have put all new battery,voltage reg.plugs, plug wires,Rotary button. dis cap. I need help with this 6 volt system

ANSWER: Does it crank over but not fire? Let me know what it does and does not do when you try to start it.

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QUESTION: yes it does crank over. i have put a volt meter on battery=6.31v,out of coil 24.45v when cranking over. but from starter its 4.38v. had starter checked its fine... it appears to be getting fire and fuel.just will not even try to start.

4.3 volts at the starter when cranking is a bit low and could indicate a battery that is not up to capacity and not leaving enough for the ignition to fire. You also should check the points and condenser to make sure that the points are not burned or pitted and are adjusted properly. The point gap should be .025" with them open. The minimum voltage at the starter when cranking should be 5 volts, and yes that .7 volts will make a difference.