Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1955 packard 4 bbl rochester carb, poor workmanship, condensor
QuestionI've had carb rebuilt twice in a year. It runs fine for a while and the same problem comes back(it won't start). Last night I poured gas in the carb and it started and after adjustment it idled fine. This morning I started and couldn't get it to idle, it stalled and now won't start. I'm getting good gas flow and checked the timing, points, condensor, and plugs. When I pump the gas pedal, am i suppose to see a spray of gas from the jets? I'm not seeing it. Is it time for a new carb?
AnswerIt sounds like either the needed parts were not replaced, or dirt is being drawn up from the fuel tank, or poor workmanship. But the carburetor should be be able to be overhauled and make the car run well. I would go back at the carburetor like a CSI job checking everything. I like to open carburetors that still have the galoline in them. That gives me a clue at the problems.