Classic/Antique Car Repair: media blasting, walnut shells, butcher shop
QuestionIs there a media that will take off a layer of primer with minimal damage to the body work underneath? I had a pro(?) contracted to prime and paint my 34 cp and he mixed the primer with less than recomended reducer and hardner. Needless to say I have a real mess considering I spent 8 solid months morn to nite getting the body as near perfect as humanly possible. Thank you in advance
AnswerSome pro--he should cover the cost of getting it back into the same shape it was when it arrived at his butcher shop.
THEN he should re-prime it again--properly, and charge you only his original estimate.
It's called "professional standards" and "ethical business practices".
All of that aside now, try walnut shells as the blasting medium. And the "pro" should be paying for the blasting, too.