Classic/Antique Car Repair: car wont shut off, impala
I have a 1965 impala with a 350 that the previous owner installed. After the car is turned off and the key is removed the car stays running sometimes up to a minute. I checked the ignition switch an that's working fine. The timing was also checked and that also good. If I leave my battery connected after about 2 or 3 days parked the battery is completely drained. Besides that the car runs great. Any suggestions are appreciated. I'm trying to do what ever i can on my own before I take it to a shop. Thanks
AnswerSergio, the person who installed the 350 inadvertently connected the hot coil lead to the wrong terminal on the ignition switch...instead of connecting it to the SWITCHED terminal, he wired it to the BAT terminal, which is ALWAYS powered on. You can verify this by charging up your battery and waiting an hour or so; don't start the engine, just let it sit...the ignition coil will feel hot to the touch even though you haven't started the car.
Wire the coil hot lead to the proper switched terminal and you'll be OK.
Problem solved.