Classic/Antique Car Repair: transmission dial, rolls royce and bentley, motorcars
QuestionQUESTION: how do i set the linkage on my 65 new yorker trans.
ANSWER: Hello Ronald I'm sorry but my expertise lies in English Motorcars primarily Rolls Royce and Bentley. If I had the opportunity to see the mechanism in it's entirety I would be able to help you. but if I had to Guess I would venture that there is a slotted point at the transmission lever itself. you can let me know what you find and I will try to help.
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QUESTION: its not a lever its a dial like
AnswerOK Ronald I'm sorry I will not be able to help with your type of mechanism due to my unfamiliarity. I will discuss it with my American car peers and perhaps I can pass something useful on to you. I found this club for Chrysler, perhaps you can find the answer here