Classic/Antique Car Repair: 71 Ford F 100, ford f 100, starter solenoid
QuestionQUESTION: I was wondering how to rotate my 302 engine without using the ignition. I am trying to get rid of a horrible knocking noise in my valve cover, and I think it has to do with the rockers or the valves. One of my friends told me that there was a way to do it, but he wasn't sure how. Could you please help!
ANSWER: The starter solenoid is located on the inner fender panel near the battery. The POS cable from the battery is connected to one side of it and a heavy cable runs from the other side to the starter. Between the two are two smaller wires. The one closer to the battery cable runs to the ignition switch and it is this one that will engage the starter if you jump to the battery cable. Most auto parts stores sell a push button aux starter button with a couple of alligator clips that make the job easy. I would disconnect the primary (small) wires from the coil to prevent the engine from starting while you are using this switch. Good luck.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Just a quick question, would the 73-78 Haynes repair manual work for a 71 Ford F 100?
AnswerIt will be very close. The instrument cluster is different but the engine, transmission, rear end, and brakes are the same. the exception is that there is a new emissions device used on the 73 model for the first time called the EGR or exhaust gas recurculator, so the engine vacuum diagrams will be different.