Classic/Antique Car Repair: MG Midget transmission switches, continuity tester, parts catalogs
QuestionI have a 75 MG Midget that I am rewiring. It has an earlier model year (don't know what year) 1275cc engine & tranny. There are 2 switches on the tranny. One is on the driver side & the other is on the passenger side, both up by the shifter. One I know is the back-up light switch. I can not find any info on the other switch in any of my manuals (Michell's & Haynes), wiring diagram, or in parts catalogs. Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance. Tim
AnswerDepending upon the year, this could be a US-mandated neutral safety/seat belt interlock switch, common in '73 and '74.
Check it with a continuity tester. It should show "closed" when the tranny's in neutral.
Hooking it up's a matter of preference, not a "must do".