Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1952 chevy delux water pump, chevy delux, replacing a water pump
Questioncan you walk me thru replacing a water pump on a 1952 chevy delux 216 straight 6
AnswerThe first thing to do is to drain the cooling system by the petcock on the bottom of the radiator. While the upper radiator hose is not connected to the pump I usually remove it to make it easier to see and work. Then the lower radiator hose at the pump is removed and any other hoses connected to the pump. Then remove the bolts holding the pump to the block. Before I do this is usually slip a pedicel of heavy cardboard between the fan blade and the radiator core. This prevents putting a hole in the radiator should a tool slip and it will also save your knuckles as the fins on the radiator core are sharp.