Classic/Antique Car Repair: Triple Reserve Gas, oil & water tanks, webster city iowa, monarch co
Triple reserve tanks
I came across these and was wondering if you might know what they are and if they were ever used on an old car? (Someone told me they were mounted on the running bards of a model T). A makers mark says "The Monarch Co." Triple reserve- Oil- water- gas tanks Webster City, Iowa.
AnswerYou have a great find. What you were told is correct except the charactization of used on model T. Up until 70 years ago all cars had running boards. The running board had many uses like as a step getting into and out of the high bodied old cars, attaching accessories to like your three cans or a luggage rack, or as a convinient seat at an ice cream stand on a summers day. The old cars burned oil, leaked water, and needed gas to run. Service stations in the country could be few and far between so the savey traveler when driving long distances would have one of your finds on the running board. Hummmm, ice creams sounds good.