Classic/Antique Car Repair: starting 41 Ford flathead V8 after 1 year not used, ford flathead v8, wd 40

QUESTION: starter relay clicks but engine will not turn over. Battery fully charged. Sounds
like starter tries to engage I can hear a klunk from starter when auxiliary relay
under hood is activated. Have removed plugs and put WD 40 in cylinders. Would
it be OK to push car in gear (1st or 3rd) to turn over engine or should I take off
starter and Bendix and check that first?       Thanks in advance.  Myron

ANSWER: Pulling off the starter and Bendix, and checking the amperage draw not under load, would be the first step. You need to know if the starter is working at full capacity.

If it is, then re-installit and give the car the ol' shove in second gear.

Make sure your ignition is on and your steering unlocked!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

What should amperage read and can you give a beginner the procedure for
checking it.
Thanks again,

ANSWER: Myron,

This should be done by a starter/generator shop. It requires specialized test equipment.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Is there any reason why I shouldn't try pushing the car a few feet in gear with
the plugs out before messing with the starter to see if that would turn the
engine over incase it's just some rust in the cylinders.
Thanks again for the great service.        Myron

Nope. I just have a more analytic way of approaching things. And if this starts and it still won't turn over on the key, you know your starter or solenoid is lunched.

Rust in the cylinders, if heavy enough, is guaranteed to break rings. But, then again, you probably know that!

I'd pull a head or look into the cylinder with a borescope first, to save heartache later...

Good luck!
