Classic/Antique Car Repair: Ignition Switch Removal, Remove ignition switch from GM car
QuestionYou answer on my cigarette lighter removal was perfect (The PB Blaster was what I needed since the inner and outer shells were rusted together).
I am all done removing everything in order to repaint the dash, but I cannot remove the ignition switch. The bezel unscrews only so far and then acts as if something is prohibiting it from moving any further. Even when I hold the switch from behind, the entire unit wants to turn when I try to rotate the bezel further. Is there a trick that I am missing?
AnswerGlad the last answer was helpful.
If I remember correctly, your car is a mid - 60s GM car, which means that the lock cylinder has to come out of the ignition switch to get the bezel off. The way to do that is to insert the ignition key, and using a small pin (the straightened out end of a small paper clip usually will work), press straight in through the tiny hole in the face of the switch while you simultaneously turn the key toward the left, beyond the accessory position - it should rotate one more 'click' to the left than it usually does - when it does that, pull outward on the key and the lock cylinder should come out in your hand.