Classic/Antique Car Repair: VW 1967 Dune Buggy, dune buggy, registration clerk
QuestionI have an old registration from 1989 - for a VW 1967 Dune Buggy. I have already been ripped off by 2 websites that stated they could help me get history on without the VIN. The registration doesn't have a conventional VIN but I do have the vehicle number and previous registration number. Do you know if there is anyway at all to get history on an antique dune buggy?
AnswerI don't know what state you're in, and state laws vary. However, due to recently-enacted laws on confidentiality, it is becoming more and more difficult in many states to get information on previous owners of motor vehicles.
Visit your state DMV office with your paperwork, and talk to a registration clerk in person. They can at least fill you in on your state's laws regarding this and assist you with the procedure if it is doable.