Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1952 Chev 235 (PowerGlide) rocker arm, Rocker arm mix-up

Hi.  The fourth engine rocker arm from the back, nearest the firewall, does not sit properly on the valve.  It appears to be out approximately an eight of an inch.  I don't know what caused this, or even if it may be the wrong rocker arm.  Anyway, this will likely cause problems in the future (the engine has recently been rebuilt) and I'm wondering if the rocker arm, which I think is cast iron, can be repaired (bent inward) to sit properly, or if and where I can purchase a new one one.  Any ideas?

The person who put the engine together probably got the rocker arms mixed up - it is most likely one that belongs in a different position.  These engines take 4 different rocker arms, and each position has to have the right one installed or there will be trouble with the valve operation sooner or later.

Chevrolet parts are quite easily obtained, in fact I believe NAPA stores can provide you with the right one.  You will have to specify which one you need, by cylinder number and whether it is an exhaust or intake valve rocker arm.  Since one is in the wrong place, I think it would be very wise of you to check them all.  Do not attempt to force it into position, or bend anything - it won't work and you would probably damage something.  It wouldn't be a bad idea to replace all 12 of them - they are not very expensive.
