Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1957 Buick Century and 1962 Olds Starfire, ford 8n tractor, joke question
QuestionQUESTION: I have recently purchased these 2 vehicles, and I was wondering if I should use a lead fuel additive or not. If so, is there a prefered brand? If not, what should I do?
ANSWER: You are asking me to put my head in the lions mouth with this question as it is like the "when did you stop beating your wife" joke question. But here is my opinion. Unless you are going to subject these cars to extremely hard use I would not worry about using lead free gasoline without an additive. Back in the day, the days before unleaded, Amoco and Sunoco both sold unlead gasoline and they were considered premium fuel. I run my old cars on straight pump fuel without additives and no problems. Remeber that this is my opinion, but the use has a lot to do with it. Now if you are going to drag race these cars or hook a plow to them to plow the fields, pump fuel will do the job.
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QUESTION: Thanks for your opinion on this. Makes sense to me. I am old enough to remember (if I remember right) that the lead additive was put into gasolines to help with engine ping. I do not plan to drive these cars much at all, mostly just to show them off at the local diner type of thing. Not planning to race them or plow with them just yet anyway. I believe what I will do is try a tank of 91 octane premium fuel without additive and see how they perform. As long as I don't get ping it should be fine. Quite honestly, I guess I was more concerned with putting the additive in then not putting it in.
AnswerI think that you are right on the money. Lead was first used to prevent ping or pre ignition. It was though that the lubrication qualities of the lead prevented some valve seat wear, but I am not convinced. In fact I have a 1952 Ford 8N tractor that I use around the property to mow and tug stumps out of the ground and such. It has been running 10 years since I rebuilt it on unleaded. Good luck and have a ball with your toys. I enjoy mine. Even my motor home is a vintage machine being a 20 year old diesel pusher.