1929 Modal A
How to change the Head on a 1929 Modal A.
AnswerFirst, get the Les Andrews book, Handbook for the Model A Mechanic, or some name like that. It is a great book for about $35 from MARC or snyders or other parts supplier. It will tell you more than I can in this note.
Drain the water and remove the goose neck, distributor, and other things in the way. Remove the head nuts and now the fun starts. It will come off, but you may have to "worry" it off. Some people try to fire the engine and make the head pop up. That works sometimes.
Some say to remove the plugs and stuff a rope into the cylinders and try to rotate the crankshaft to force it up. My last one, I had to use 92 screw drivers and thin scrapers and work them all around the head until I got it off. Stay with it, it will come off. Don't break the head while you are doing this. The corners are the strongest part of the head.
Good luck