QuestionI have a 66 Mustang and I lost the keys. can you tell me how I can get the lock cylinder out without damaging the complete switch?
Thank you
Bob Hardisty
AnswerYou can't - you need the key to remove the cylinder.
You have three choices:
1: You can remove the door lock assembly and take it to a locksmith - he can make a key to fit that, and if no one has swapped locks, it will be the same as your ignition key.
2: You can call a locksmith and have him come to the car and make a key for you using the ignition switch.
3: You can hotwire the car and drive it to the locksmith's shop and let him work there - that is the least amount of work for you, and probably the cheapest solution.
To hotwire any older Ford product, you need one clip lead to connect the + terminal of the battery to the + terminal of the coil, and then you need to momentarily short between the battery side of the solenoid to the starter terminal on the solenoid to make the starter crank. Any tool that will reach from the battery side of the solenoid (the one with the battery cable on it!) to the "S" terminal on the solenoid will work. A pair of pliers works well for this, just touch one side of the handle to the battery terminal and the other handle to the "S" terminal.
The other small terminal on the solenoid won't do anything, but if you make a mistake and hit it by mistake, it won't hurt anything either.
Make VERY SURE the car is not in gear when you do this, because it will start in any gear this way. You won't be able to turn the engine off, you'll have to disconnect the clip lead to stop the engine.
Don't run the car more than a few miles this way - it will heat up the coil if you leave it that way for a long time.