Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1940 chev coupe electrical, volt battery, electrical question

QUESTION: what do I need to do to convert the electrical starting system to 12 volts?

ANSWER: Are you just concerned with the staring system or converting the enire system to 12 volts? Let me know and we will go from there.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Just the starting/charging system for right now.
thank you

Doing this is more difficult that converting the entire system. The starter motor won't know the difference between running 6 volt and 12 provided the starts right up and there is no excessive cranking. If the system is to be split the standard generator will need to be kept along with the original 6 volt battery. Then a 12 volt battery and alternator will need to be added. You could use a step down resistor in series with the lights, heater, radio, ignition, and instruments but it value would have to be calculated according to the load or more than one resistor use, such as one for each circuit. It would be much better to just change all of the bulbs in the car to 12 volt and then use resistor in the other circuits. Geezers Old cars & Parts Emporium has the resistors in stock. [email protected].