Classic/Antique Car Repair: Ford Flathead ignition system, stroke engine, pulse train
1936 Ford three window
Hi, thanks in advance for your help. I want to add a Westach Tachometer to my 1936 Ford with the stock engine that came with the car. I know the distributor has 2 sets of points but it has only one coil. The Westach tachs read the pulse train and don't need a power connection. In order to get the right tach for this I need to know how many pulses come off the distributor for each revolution of the engine. I hope you can answer this and explain how the coil and the two sets of points interact. thanks, Dave
AnswerSince this is a 4 stroke engine, only 4 cylinders fire for each revolution of the engine. This is true of any 8 cylinder 4 stroke engine. The points both operate the same coil - in other words they are connected in parallel, sharing the load for added life of the contacts.