Classic/Antique Car Repair: timing chain cover on 94 Berretta with 6, timing chain cover, berretta
QuestionHow do I replace broken timing chain cover without breaking it. It looks as if you need to pry on it but it's rather frgile and I would prefer not to. My wife loves this car and I am out of work at the moment and want to do the repairs myself. I already have it tore down so all have left is to put back together. Thank you.
AnswerThe recommended proceedure for replacing the front cover involves removing the oil pan. The oil pan then goes back on after the front cover is in place and keys into it. Not an easy job but worth the effort. You will need to get the car up so that you can get under it and make sure that it is on safety stands or solid blocks (not concrete block). Remove the starter and then the oil pan will come off after the bolts are removed. Use new Gaskets when re assembling. The last thing you need is an oil leak after it is all done.