I am restoring my 1959 Chevrolet and would like to have a set of period-
correct booster cables for the trunk. Any idea where I can look or what to
look for?
Any help would be appreciated.
AnswerMost new cars came with a little folder showing accessories you could order from the dealer - something like "GM Approved Accessories". See if you can find one for a 59 Chevy and then see if it lists booster cables - that would be the optimum answer for authentic ones to show in your trunk.
Other than that, I can only think of places like J.C.Whitney that have sold them since the invention of dirt - maybe one of their nice customer service people would take the time to see if they have any that haven't changed in all those years. The modern ones have gotten really fancy, with polarity detection, disconnect plugs and that sort of thing - you don't want that!
You could ask at the Chevy club if any vendor is reproducing original accessories like this. They sure make everything else for those cars! (they make us Packard and Hudson folks drool with envy). If you are not a member of the Chevy club, contact them at
That's about all that comes to mind. Congratulations and thanks for keep it all original!