Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1929 model A, good luck jack, hole in wall
QuestionIs there and adjustment to the cutout to prevent over charging? Have had a problem with contacters sticking in a closed position when car is off and drains battery. So far I've adjusted my way out of this by bending the the contacter back to seperate it more. Does this indicate the diode is bad? I wouldnt know a diode from a hole in wall. Thanks for your input.
AnswerDan, there is no diode in the original cut out. Here is what you do: Take the cut out and generator and put them in the garqge and get an alternator. It does not use a cut out and will keep your battery up. That is what we all have done in our clubs. Very few people still run the gen. system. All cut outs stick. Quit fighting it. What you are doing is all you can do. Keep bending it and hope it stays open. Get the mod A mechanics handbook. It has alot of info in it to keep your A running good. We all have this book. About $35 from MARC or anyu of the A parts suppliers.
Good luck