Classic/Antique Car Repair: V.I.N. # location on the frame, good luck jack, ford pickup
QuestionI have a 1934 Ford pickup and the DMV in California won't issue me a license until I take the pickup to them and show them that the V.I.N.# on the frame matches the one on the pinkslip. I don't want to remove the entire body from the frame to find it so I'd like to know the exact location of the V.I.N.# on my frame. Could you please tell me where it is? My email is and my phone # is (559)790-1395. Feel free to call collect if the email won't go through for some reason. Thank you so much for your help. Respectfully, James A. Horstmann
AnswerJim, the motor number should work. That would be a lot easier, even if you have a different motor in it. If no motor, then maybe you will have to use the frame. The frame number and the motor number are not the same. On the Model A, the frame number is on the left top side of the frame, right under the left A post. Windshield pillar. You have to pull off the body to see it on an A. The '34 was probably in the same place, but I would try the motor number to get a new VIN.
Good luck