Classic/Antique Car Repair: Rough Idle on 1965 Ford Ranchero, fuel filter, fuel pump
QuestionMy 65 Ranchero runs well when you start her up in the morning and drive her to a set point. If you stop the car and start back up though, the idle is very rough and the car will shut off if you hit a bump or jolt the car. Traveling to multiple places is impossible because she will just cut out and be hard to start back up again. We've had the carburetor re-bushelled; what other problems do you think it can be?
AnswerTwo things, Eric:
When the carb butterflies were re-bushed, did they also do a rebuild? This could be related to float level or even choke being left partially on.
The other thing I'd suggest is checking the fuel pump and fuel filter, if there's one fitted.