Question The lock cylinder will not go into the switch far enough to turn the switch to start the vehicle.I have read the directions and researched every where and tried every thing still will not work. I have inserted the keyed cylinder every possible way. Aligning every notch many times, I can start the engine with a screw driver inserted into the switch no problem. Have even tried new lock cylinder and switch same problem. The vehicle is a 1966 F-100 Ford pickup. I am about ready to pull my hair out. Any help would be great. Boyd
AnswerThis is really odd. I have two almost identical trucks (a 66 F250 and a 65 F250 4X4) - I have changed the ignition switches in both trucks over the years, always buying new switches from NAPA -and had no trouble at all.
Didn't your new switch come with the cylinder installed? Mine did.
However there is a trick to removing or installing the cylinder - as I recall, you turn the cylinder beyond it's normal travel to the left, while you depress a spring loaded catch, and it will pop right out. Reverse the procedure to install it (depress the spring loaded catch, align the cylinder and pop it in.)
The spring loaded catch is released by pushing on something you can access with the switch in your hand - I don't recall if it is deep in a pinhole on the front face like GM switches, or on the side of the switch toward the front end behind the bezel threads like most other brands - inspect the switch and push on anything you can find until you find something that pushes back at you!
If you have turned the switch's inner slot out of registration with the cylinder inner end by using the screwdriver, you have to correct that before it will go in.
Without having your switch in my hand, I can't see what is wrong, but I'm betting if you take the extra switch and cylinder to a locksmith, he will show you how to do it in a few seconds and probably won't charge you anything.