Classic/Antique Car Repair: locked braks 1935 Oldsmobile, emergency cable, rear wheels

QUESTION: I backed my 1935 olds into the garage. It sat for a year. Both rear wheels are locked. The front wheels will spin. I don't know what to do. I was going to try to remove the drum but am not sure how to do it. Do I need to remove the bolt on the axle to remove the drum ? The emergency cable seems to not be locked but I cant be sure. I figured that trying to remove the wheel drum would help determine if the brake was locked or if the rear end was the problem. PLease advise. Thank you

ANSWER: Did you park it withthe E brake on?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: YES! If it is frozen how would I get it to release?
I apreciate your help

If you have room to back the car up some times this will free up the cables. Short of that the only way that I have been able to free up these cables is soaking with penetrating oil over a period of time. I have had some that I have had to cut the cables off close to the backing plates. It will be near impossible to remove the drums with the E brake applied. To remove the drums the big nut is removed and then you need a hub and drum puller to remove the drums. Most tool rental stores used to carry them and some still do.
