Classic/Antique Car Repair: GEN dashboard warning light is on, cadillac coupe deville, 1969 cadillac coupe deville
Questioni have a 1969 cadillac coupe deville convert and my GEN warning light is on (idiot light is on)
the light started to apear at 70 miles per hours an decided to rediuce speed and after 20 minutes of driving the light came back at 40 miles per hours i decided to stop the car and i could hear the baterie making some bubely noizes and the baterie continue making noize even disconected???
what could it be?
what should i check? to be able to troubleshoot my probleme?
AnswerHi Frederic:
Replace the battery. Make sure it is of the correct amps. I believe your car call for around 80 amps cold cranking power. That should provide enough power for all those electrical features on that baby.
When a battery bubbles, it mean all the acid is gone and you are running on just water, which can over heat as the generator tries to charge the battery.
However, also check the battery cables and make sure they are clean and have a good, tight connection.