Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1984 Chevy 305 Small Block, head gasket problem, replacement radiator
QuestionQUESTION: Need a 2nd opinion...My recent acquired 84 Chevy occasionally dumps a small amount of anti-freeze from the overflow. It sat for a year before I got and the more I drive it, the less it leaks. So, I am guessing that re-torquing the heads should eliminate the small pressure lost from the gaskets. The 305 was well know for gasket problems, so I'm hoping this will help. Anyone ever tried this and had success?
ANSWER: Before attacking it as a head gasket problem I would try a replacement radiator cap. It could very well be that the cap has lost it's ability to hold pressure and is allowing fluid to escape. And yes retorquing cylinder heads has worked in the past for me has stopping small leaks as well as the addition of a mild sealer like Bars-Leak. Heavy duty sealers run the risk of plugging up the heater cores.
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QUESTION: Thanks Brad:
Had I thought about the radiator cap. Good point. I will try that first. Great to have a 2nd opinion.
AnswerIf the car does not have an overflow tank, then over filling the radiator when the engine is cold will result in coolant leaking from the overflow when the engine warms up. Also the radiator cap for a car with an overflow tank is different than the one with out a tank.