Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1930 Ford Model A, good luck jack, clutch disk
QuestionI am asking on behalf of my brother about a clutch for the Model A. He and his friend replaced the clutch, but it does not release. Is there an adjustment needed? They put the newer one in the same as the old one came out. Your help is greatly appreciated. My dad needs the Model A to plow this winter. Thanks!
AnswerWhen you say they replaced the clutch, I assume they replaced both the pressure plate,(the big part that attaches to the flywheel), and the clutch disk. The throw-out bearing pushes forward on the fingers of the press. plate, and that releases the disk to turn freely. Take off the inspection plate on the bell housing and look into the hole as you push on the clutch pedal. There is a fork that should push the bearing forward and into the fingers. If the fingers get pushed enough, the pressure plate has to come backward and release the disk. The only adjustment is on the pedal linkage. Tighten that up to where the fingers get pushed forward enough to release the disk. It should be obvious when you look into the hole of the inspection plate.
Get the Model A Handbook for Mechanics, It will show you everything. About $35 from Snyder's or MARC.
Good luck.